Videotiiviste is a Finnish company from Tampere that uses explainer videos (selitysvideo in Finnish) and insight videos (Oivallusvideo) to explain difficult or complicated concepts in a way that everyone can understand them. The company was founded in 2014 and has grown rapidly ever since, currently employing almost 20 people. What makes Videotiiviste special are their highly developed processes that enable not only the systematic creation of videos but also the efficient use of the customers’ time – a video project rarely requires more than a workday’s worth of time from the customer. Implementing projects with precision and in accordance with the original plans and schedule makes creativity flourish and surprises customers time after time.
Putting the waste heat from rendering 3D animations to good use
Year after year, customers’ interest in 3D explainer videos has increased. However, producing 3D animations on a home computer while following Videotiiviste’s strict process has not always been easy, as the process requires more time than whiteboard or regular animations. Therefore, studying and acquiring new working methods have become focus points.
When Kuulea called him about a new green way of cloud rendering, it piqued the interest of Joni Pohjankettu, one of Videotiiviste's founders. This was hardly the first time Videotiiviste had been offered rendering services but it was the first offer that was deemed worth trying. Kuulea’s new and innovative way of carrying out rendering and using the waste heat from the calculation process to heat properties caught Joni’s attention and encouraged him to make further inquiries. “We are more than happy to do everything in our power to reduce our carbon footprint. It is in the interests of everyone that our computers do not waste heat and that the calculations are carried out where the waste heat can actually be used in heating.” Joni explains.
Making life easier and adding flexibility to the 3D process
Animator Lauri Harju was also excited when he heard about the call – the rendering process would be faster in the future, which would mean less work in the evenings.
Previously, rendering 3D animations on a home computer could take tens of hours. This meant that projects had to be rendered overnight, and it was not until the morning that you could see whether it was a success or not. When the deadlines were tight, there was no room for failure.
Now, with the help of the QWare cloud capacity offered by Kuulea, you can see the rendering results on the same day. Lauri was positively surprised by the fact that his workstation is not reserved only for the rendering and that he can continue on other work during the process. As the cloud service is scalable and you have the required capacity for the work, the rendering requires only a fraction of the time it used to.
Lauri also wants to thank Kuulea’s customer service. With the first few tasks, he faced some difficulties loading the rendered images, but the problem was quickly solved, and from there, using the cloud service was problem-free.
When it comes to the learning side of things, Videotiiviste feels that they are still in the beginning of the journey. Both Joni and Lauri believe that there are more possibilities and ways of utilising the service to discover. “We now know that using the cloud service is a sensible part of our workflow but we also believe that this will still spawn new ideas, and introducing a new working method will also push our own work forward.”